Tuesday, 27 December 2016


Most forbearing
Anyone who says this beautiful name of Allah 100 times before sunrise will be given protection against all calamities for the remainder of the day and his enemies will not utter a single unpleasant word against him.
For any difficulty whatsoever, say this beautiful name of Allah 1,020 times. Relief will soon be found and peace and contentment will be experienced in the heart, Insha-Allah.


One who loves virtue or guides to virtue
One who does not have the know-how about a particular task or is unable to work out plans regarding a certain task should say this name of Allah 1,000 between Magrib and Isha. The plan and scheme will soon become clear to him either in the dream or by way of inspiration. Insha-Allah. For financial progress and safety against any mishaps it should be read daily. Insha-Allah.


The Inheriter or who remains alive after all else is destroyed
Repeat this name of Allah 100 times at sunrise. Protection will be given against sorrow, grief, hardship, and calamities.
Read 1,000 times between Magrib and Isha to be safeguarded against perplexities. Insha-Allah.


The Everlasting
Protection will be given against calamities and virtuous deeds will be accepted if this name of Allah is repeated 1,000 times on the eve of Jumu'ah. Insha-Allah.


The Deviser
Reciting 1,000 times: Yaa Badi' as samaawaati wal ardh (O deviser, creator of the heavens and the earth) will relieve a person from miseries and sorrow and he will die as a believer, Insha-Allah. Reciting it between Maghrib and Isha is most effective for the same purpose. If a particular venture is to be undertaken and one is uncertain as regards its feasibility then this name of Allah should be said excessively before going to bed, Insha-Allah, guidance will be received either by way of inspiration or dream. Insha-Allah.
For the realization of any pursuit, say : (Yaa Badee'al Ajaa' ibi Bil Khairi Yaa Badee'U) 1,200 times. Insha-Allah, Before the passing of 12 days, the pursuit will be realized. Insha-Allah.


One who gives guidance
Anyone who raises both hands as in dua and gazes towards the sky and recites this name of Allah several times Allah Ta'ala will give guidance to him and associate him with the pious and devout. Insha-Allah.


The Light
If recited 1,001 times after reciting surah noor, the reciter's heart will be illuminated with noor.


The benefactor
If recited before embarking a sea-going vessel or any conveyance whatsoever, its reciter will be safeguarded against all hazards and perils, Insha-Allah.
A difficult task will be accomplished if read 41 times before it is undertaken.
If read prior to intercourse, good, obedient, and pious children will be born, Insha-Allah.


  1. One who brings distress
    For ones spiritual and physical safety, this name of Allah should be recited 100 times on the eve of Jumuah I.e the night preceding the day of Jumuah. This Amal will also draw the reader nearer to Allah. Insha-Allah.


The Hinderer
Reciting this beautiful name of Allah 20 times lying down on the bed will remove any differences one has with ones spouse. All disputes will also be settled. Instead, a strong bond of love and affection will result. One who recites it excessively will be safeguarded against all calamities.
If recited for any legitimate purpose, it will materialize, Insha-Allah.


One who enriches
Material as well as spiritual wealth will be acquired if a person reads 11 times Salawaat (Durood) before and after reciting this beautiful name of Allah 1,111 times. Sura Muzzammil must also be recited after this. All this may be done after Fajr or Isha Salaah. Insha-Allah.


Free from want
Barakah and self sufficiency will be given to a person who reads this beautiful name 70 times daily.
To be cured of any sickness, physical or spiritual, this beautiful name should be said excessively and blown on the body. Insha-Allah.


The Assembler
To bring together members of ones family who have dispersed as a result of war, earthquake, floods, etc. A person should bath at the time of salaatud Dohaa (Chasht) and lifting the gaze upwards towards the sky, read this beautiful name 10 times. But this should be enumerated with the fingers in such a way that with the recitation of each name, one finger should be closed. Thereafter, the hands should be passed across the face as when completing Dua.
If anything is misplaced or lost recite the following Dua excessively, it will be found soon, Insha-Allah. The Dua is: Allaahumma yaa Jaami'an naasi li yaumil laa rayba feehi, ijmaa' dhaal-latee). (O Allah, Gatherer of mankind on the Day wherein there is no doubt! Do gather (return to me or let me find) my lost property).


The Just
Reciting this beautiful name of Allah daily will afford the reciter protection against doubts created by Shaytaan.
If read 700 times for any legitimate, it will be accomplished, Insha-Allah.


Possessor of Majesty and Benevolence
Self-Sufficiency, honour, and Respect will be acquired if this beautiful name of Allah is recited excessively. Insha-Allah.


Possessor of Sovereignty
Wealth and self sufficiency will be granted to a person if he says this beautiful name excessively. Insha-Allah.


The Affectionate
The entire creation of Allah will become affectionate towards the person who recites this beautiful name of Allah.
To subdue ones anger, recite Salawaat (Durood), then this beautiful name ten times.


The Pardoner
Allah will forgive the person who says this beautiful name excessively.


The Taker of retribution
Anyone who is helpless and unable to take revenge against his enemy should read this beautiful name of Allah for 3 consecutive fridays. Allah, himself will take revenge on his behalf, Insha-Allah.


The Oft-Returning
Allah will grant Taufeeq of sincere repentance to a person who recites this beautiful name of Allah 360 times daily after offering Salaatud Dohaa.
Tasks will be accomplished without difficulty if recited excessively. Reading it 10 times in the presence of an oppressor will afford the reader protection against any harm likely to be caused by such an oppressor. Insha-Allah.


One who treats with Kindness
A person will be freed from evil habits such as drinking wine, committing adultery, etc if he says this beautiful name of Allah 7 times daily.
Excessive recital of this beautiful name will drive out from the heart the love for this mundane and temporary. If read 7 times and blown on a newborn baby, it will be protected from all harms, Insha-Allah.


Far above the creation
The constant reciter of this beautiful name will soon find all his problems solved, Insha-Allah.
The Woman who reads it excessively during her menstruation will soon find relief from her ailments, Insha-Allah.


One who exercises power over all things
The Constant reciter of this beautiful name will be safeguarded against all unexpected calamities, Insha-Allah.
To subdue ones foe, it should be said 11 times (at any time or before coming face to face with him).


The Hidden
A person who recites this beautiful name of Allah 33 times daily will soon begin to perceive the hidden secrets of Allah and love and admiration for Allah will develop in his heart. Anyone who says with sincerity the following words after performing 2 Rak'aat Salaah, all his needs will be fulfilled. Insha-Allah. The words: Huwal ' Aw-walu Wal ' Aakhiru wazh zhaa-hiru wal Baatinu. Wa huwa 'alaa kulli Shay'in qadeer . (He is the first and the last and the manifest and the hidden. He has power over all things.)


The Manifest
A person's sight and heart will be filled with noor if he reads this beautiful name 500 times daily.


The Last
If this beautiful name of Allah is read 1000 times daily, the reader will benefit in the following ways: (a) The love for Allah will enter the recesses of his heart; (b) illegitimate love for anyone or anything will be driven out of his heart; © his sins will be forgiven ; (d) he will die with Imaan.


The first
Anyone desiring male children should recite this beautiful name of Allah 40 times daily. If a musaafir (traveller) says it 1000 times on Friday, he will return to his people safe and sound, Insha-Allah.


One who causes retardation
The frequent reciter of this beautiful name of Allah will soon resort to sincere repentance. To draw closer to Allah, it should be recited 100 times Allah.


One who causes advancement
If read continuously while the jihaad is in progress, Allah Ta'ala will give him courage to advance into the ranks of the enemy and he will be safeguarded against their harm, Insha-Allah.


The one with full authority
A person's tasks will be accomplished without difficulty if, on awakening, he repeats this beautiful name of Allah 20 times or continuously, Insha-Allah.


The One with Authority
Saying this beautiful name of Allah 100 times after offering 2 Rakaat Salaah will cause ones enemies to be humbled and disgraced. Saying it 41 times before undertaking a task will render it easy, Insha-Allah.


Free from Want
Anyone who places his head in Sajdah at time of Sehri and repeats this beautiful name of Allah 115 times will acquire honesty and truthfulness. Saying it abundantly in the state of wudhu will afford one self sufficiency and independence of the entire creation, Insha-Allah.


The One unequalled
For the love of and fear for Allah's creation to be driven out of the heart, repeat this beautiful name of Allah 1000 times daily. Insha-Allah.


The one with excellence and veneration.
Anyone who says this beautiful name of Allah in seclusion in such abundance and in such a manner that He experiences euphoria, the noor of Allah will soon become evident for him.


The inventor
Anyone who continues saying this beautiful name of Allah while partaking meals, the food thus consumed will become a source of strength and noor. Insha-Allah.


The self subsisting
Honour and respect will be attained if this beautiful name of Allah is recited excessively.
Anyone saying it excessively in seclusion will become affluent and wealthy. The continous recitation of : Yaa Hayyu, Yaa Qayoom (O the ever living, the self subsisting) from Fajr till sunrise will remove lethargy and laziness. Insha-Allah.


The ever-living
Anyone desirous of good health should say this beautiful name of Allah 3000 times daily.
For the cure of any sickness, this beautiful name of Allah should be written with musk and rose water on a piece of paper and soaked in water which the sick person should drink, Insha-Allah


The giver of Death
Anyone who has no control over his nafs should place his hand on his chest at bedtime and repeat this beautiful name of Allah till he falls asleep. Allah wills, he will be given strength to control his nafs, Insha-Allah.


The giver of life
This beautiful name of Allah is a definite cure for any sickness if recited excessively and blown by the sick person himself or another. Insha-Allah.


One who has the power to recreate
When any person is missing, this beautiful name of Allah should be recited 70 times in each corner of the house when everyone is asleep in the night. He will either return within seven days or his whereabouts will be known within this period, Insha-Allah.


The Originator
Anyone, who, while placing his hand on the stomach of his pregnant wife, says this beautiful name of Allah 99 times at sehri time, neither will she have miscarriage nor will she deliver prematurely, Insha-Allah.


The One who records
The Recitation of this beautiful name of Allah 20 times daily and blowing on twenty pieces of bread will cause Allah to make the entire creation subservient to the reciter, Insha-Allah.


The Praise worthy
Should a person recite this beautiful name of Allah in seclusion 93 times for 45 successive days, all his bad habits will change for good ones, Insha-Allah.


The Patron
For a bad charactered wife, this beautiful name of Allah should be recited excessively in her presence. She will soon reform, Insha-Allah.


The Firm
Any woman whose breasts do not yield milk should be made to drink water in which a paper with this beautiful name of Allah is soaked. Her breasts will abound in milk, Insha-Allah.


The Powerful
Anyone genuinely oppressed or victimized should recite this beautiful name of Allah excessively with view to counteracting the oppressor. Allah will suffice for him. This should only be done if circumstances warrant it.


The One in charge
When fearing the approach of any natural disaster, this beautiful name of Allah should be repeated excessively. The reciter will be protected against such disaster, Insha-Allah.


The Truth
Any person whose family member is missing or has absconded or whose belongings are stolen should write this beautiful name of Allah on all four corners of a sheet of square paper and at the time of Sehri, place this paper on his palms and lift it up and make Dua. The missing person will soon return or the stolen goods will be recovered, Insha-Allah.


The Omnipresent (Witness)
Anyone who has a disobedient wife and/or children should place his hand on her/their forehead and repeat this beautiful name of Allah 21 times and blow on them. They will soon become obedient, Insha-Allah.